Saturday, May 21, 2011

The truth that lies

Take away the make up.
And take away the glamor.
Take away the fame.
And take way the shimmer.
If you take away the cover.
If you remove the plastic mask.
What is it you see?
Answer my question I ask...

Do you know who you are?
Are you who they know?
Under the stories you give.
Beneath the lies that you've told.
Are you true to your words.
Can you be real for one day.
Or are you just fake and made up.
Like characters in life's play.

Take a good look in my eyes.
No mask or glitter in sight.
You see a real kinda person.
Not Pinocchio in flight.
You'll see me in make up.
But you can still see the truth.
You'll see me in lights.
But I'm real through and through.

The difference between us:
Everyone may know your name.
When no one knows who I am.
While you gotta be fake for the fame.
I got time to get my shine.
You got the fake shit, not the real.
To be true to yourself is golden.
So Ima be true to others, its surreal.

When your glamor and fame fades.
The day all your glitter dies out.
I'll be shining like the north star
Ima be the loudest to shout.
Let the world know whats the real.
Be the first to tear off the mask.
I'll show 'em how to reveal the truth.
How to answer the questions unasked.

Thursday, May 12, 2011