Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mercy's Storm

A crashing wave has dove upon me
A wild tornado is chasing me down
Leaving me to die in pain and agony
I'm starting think I'll surely drown

The world starts shaking beneath my feet
Thunder is screaming within my head
Anxiety and depression will claim my defeat
The feelings inside shall claim my death

As a strike of lightening brightens my sky
The rain comes pouring with an angry force
The pain shines dully from within my eyes
This decision is mine, I've chosen my last course

Clouds hold the rain with an intimidating threat
The wind ceases to blow, it is finally the end
My life quickly fading into never ending debt
Mercy taken upon me, I'm free to live yet again.


  1. thanks! this is one of my favorites actually. I'm my worst critic! I still wanted to do some work on this one, but I decided to see what others feedback of it would be(:

  2. I'm a bit of a poem writer myself and at times it takes me forever to consider it a good poem but it does help when i get someone else opinion. And you definitely come to my Blog to see mine and tell me what you think :)
